So, I was thinking...(scary, I know)...I am so thankful that we moved down here. I'm sorry I was down when I wrote the last update. Our life is really so good! I am proud of us for taking a chance instead of staying where we were comfortable and then never knowing if we should have moved. I am glad that we weren't afraid of something new, even when we knew it would be difficult at times. So we went swimming yesterday, in 80+ degree weather, in a nice heated pool...and we are about to go again today. We went to the park this morning with our friend and one of her daughters (Amelia-almost 2). Lana had so much fun playing on the slide and under the fort in the "house" with her good friend Amelia. They were giggling and following each other and hugging, it was cute! I think that Jeremy and I are really looking forward to our future here, and it is ok that we miss you lots too...I think it is a pretty good thing! Another good thing has come to moving all of my extra time I have decided to start a little business! I don't have a name for it yet, so if you have any ideas, please let me know! I am going to make wooden puzzles for children and just see if that could be successful or not. So, if you know of anyone who would like a wooden puzzle I would have a great time making one! I gave all the ones I have made away already, but when I make another, I will put a picture of it on here so you can see what they look like. So anyway, we miss you, but I feel pretty darn happy here too! Here are pictures from this morning.