What is perfect?
Boy, sometimes I wish I could have everything...sometimes I can feel so homesick...you are all very very missed. I really am not complaining about life down here, really it has been pretty great lately, I just hate missing out on seeing so many people that I love. It's funny how you can have these decisions and none seems good and none seems bad either. I must admit there have been many times since we came down here that Jeremy and I have looked at each other and asked if we did the right thing or not. It sometimes doesn't feel like it since we lost money on our house and it is so hard to meet people here and we miss everyone from home. But then we talk about what our options were and what we want for our family, and then we feel like, "yes, this was the right choice." We wanted Jeremy to have a good job that he would like (which he now has) and we wanted to make enough so I could stay home to raise our kids (this has been such a blessing!). We wanted Jeremy to get really good experience in the nuclear power field, and this job has really been great for him. I must admit the climate was a factor too...I love and hate Michigan at the same time. I love it for all of the people there and our church that we miss so much...and we both hate it for the dreary cold weather...so for that Florida has been very good to us! I guess today has just been kind of a downer day. I've thought a lot about missing you and it sometimes gets to me. I hate that since there are so many happy things going on lately! Lana is starting to go on the potty consistently (yipee!) David is so strong, he is pulling himself up to stand next to everything, and he "talks" a lot lately. They have been playing a lot together and laughing together, I think that Lana likes it that he is crawling. She will crawl by him to make him laugh, and then he will tackle her! (Several people have said he looks like a future linebacker, which makes Jeremy so proud!) She cracks up at him when he pulls himself up to stand by her and her laughter makes him crack up! She has had a bit of an attitude lately, but I guess that would just be her age showing. She's fun most of the time though. One of her favorite things to do is to look at the scrapbooks I made. She likes to point out everybody in the pictures and then she gets her play phone and talks to you all. We all miss and love you!

Hi sweetie, I'm sorry you're missing home! If it makes you feel better, we got 8 inches of snow Friday night and it's supposed to be only in the high 20s today! We miss you guys too! -Elizabeth
Hi Guys!
We miss you all too. We have been talking about a Flroida trip so hopefully, we can get down to see you. I work steady until April 15th so hopefully right after that. I agree with South Carolina being a good destination - we'd LOVE to meet up with you all there. It would be so wonderful to be close!!! This was a good move for you guys so Jeremy can get experience. Just hang in there - I'm sending you good thoughts.
Love you,
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