"Princess Lana"
Well, today we took a walk to the beauty shop so Lana could get her first good haircut! She was so good! It really surprised me since the other times I tried to cut her hair she wiggled everywhere and freaked out! I read her a book while the lady did her hair, and she held still so well that she even curled her hair for her! She looked so cute and she looked at herself in the mirror and said "Lana a pincess!" They gave her a sucker for being so good and she liked the "lellow one" I love her!!! David sat in the stoller and laughed and talked the whole time so the hair stylist put some gel in his hair and spiked it all up too! It was a good trip! David is really starting to crawl faster...I bet in a couple of days he will get where he wants to go really quickly! He loves to stand up too...luckily I think it will be a while before he tackles that one! We miss you all!!!!! Enjoy the pictures! xoxo

I love the little whispy bangs. Too cute!!!!!
Princess lana looks beautiful. I'm glad you had a fun trip. I just love David's spike doo - too cute. It is wonderful to see so many smiles in your photos!!!
You need to buy a gallon or two of gel. That spikey hair needs to be David's new look! It's SOooo Cute!
I wonder if Ethan's hair could do that? It might be too long by now. *sigh*
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