News Of The Quists
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Stories to make you Smile!
Don't ya just love the cowboy hats? Rob and Dawne got those for the kids, and they LOVE them! David will play for the longest time with his on! :)
Lana loves the movie Cinderella. At one part of the movie she is singing the "Sing sweet nightingale" song while she washes the floor. So when she takes a bath she uses her Little Mermaid sponge (that Papa and Grandma Quist gave her) to wash the bathtub and she sings really loud "AHHHHHHHHHH, NIGHT AND DAY!"
He also thinks everything is "yucky" He doesn't like dirt or playdough or fuzz on the floor. He scrunches up his face and says "yuck!" or "yucky!" and then laughs about it when he is clean again.
Don't we have cute kids?!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Finally, our update!
Well, I know I have been slacking, and I am very sorry! We have had a busy month with our visitors...Scott came for a few days, which was really nice! Jeremy had a great time! He had a few days off and so he got to hang out and play a ridiculous amount of the 2007 NCAA football video game with Scott. I asked them when I came home from work if they went outside that day or did anything else, and they both just laughed and said "no, we just played the game" But they definitely enjoyed themselves, so that is all that matters! It made me laugh! The kids had a very fun time with him too, he played hide and seek with Lana and chased them around, they both cracked up a lot and wanted to sit on his lap and climb all over him! It was fun to watch! Then just recently Mom came back down here for a few days and we had such a great time! She helped us a lot to decorate our house (inexpensively) and it finally looks more like a home for us, we are very happy! She even got to witness Lana's first real poop on the potty! Lana got to have icecream and everything! If only that really was a break through...Lana is doing great going potty, she wears her pretty panties everyday and normally keeps them dry, but she still will poop in them sometimes, or in a diaper at night, or in the bathtub...(yuck!) Hopefully she will get over her fear and just go soon! We are excited that she is so close to being potty trained!Anyway, mom was honored to be here for that :) We had a really nice time just getting to talk with mom after the kids went to sleep. We have said many times before that we are really lucky to have the family that we do. We both really love our inlaws and feel like the times we spend with them are always really special and enjoyable, we know this is rare, and believe me, it is something we thank God for!
David and Lana are normally very good friends. They like their new playtable that they got for Christmas, and they both laughed a lot at the train going down the big hill. There were a few "disagreements" since David likes to pull the train off the track and shake it until the cars go flying in every direction...he is such a boy!
Jeremy and I have been talking a lot lately about how we are doing, and how it is different here than the places we have lived before. It seems like we will be homesick and a little down, and then we will tell ourselves to be positive and enjoy life here, and then it cycles back again. Work for both of us has been pretty difficult lately. I work with a lot of lazy and down-right mean people (perfect for the healthcare environment) and Jeremy's job has been a lot more stressful lately because of managements rules. We talked the other night about how it seems like we have lost our thankfulness and joy just from being Christians, let alone having our little family right here. We really do have great lives, and we want to be postive on purpose. We don't want to forget all of the things we can be thankful for, and we don't want to forget that for however long we are here, that God can still do great things in and through us. I think I feel like I don't have any time to devote to making any difference anywhere, but God can still use what I do have, and that encourages me to stop being complacent. I think that a lot of the past year and a half has been a struggle, but I do believe that it can all make Jeremy and I stronger and better people. You know, I don't regret moving here. I think it was still a good decision, and I am glad that we tried it. Now I think we are just both thinking that we don't want to be here forever, and that is ok too. I think that we have grown as a couple a lot through this, and I think we can be closer to God and to become the people we want to be because of our move down here too. I think it is ok that I don't really know where we are going, or what we will be doing in the future ... because you know what?... I feel good about it, and I know that we will always be ok, and even happy. :)