Just a few more days and Lana, David and I will be back in Michigan for a month! We are so excited to get to spend time with our wonderful family and friends! Things here have been pretty good really. We met this really sweet couple and their son (2 days older than David!) at a restaurant a few weeks ago. We have gotten together several times since then and they are so easy to talk to! We feel like we really "click", so that makes us so much happier being here! They said I could put their pictures on here, and their names are Matt , Katie and little Cody. We are enjoying spending time together...and enjoying the nice weather! (until the hurricane hits anyway!) Jeremy and I have been saying that it will be tough being apart for so long. He is sad that he can't see everyone and he'll miss the kids and me a lot. Hopefully he can still see Matt and Katie sometimes in between his work schedule. I'm afraid the next month will be a lot more enjoyable for me than for Jeremy! At least the money will be good! We will see you all soon....and WE LOVE YOU!!!