I would like to apologize to all of the Quist fans for the HUGE delay...
So, a lot has been going on here lately! Three weeks ago I started a new job that turned out to stink about as much as the first one...(I thought I was going to do CT and MRI but their mammography tech quit right before he hired me and so he was making me do mammograms instead. I didn't like it much.) But good news! Just 3 days ago I got a call to have an interview and I got hired right away! I am very excited! I will be working at a diagnostic imaging center doing CT scans. I really wanted to work at this office because it is only about 20-25 minutes from home and there is a daycare right next door to the office that is really nice. It is a really beautiful office, and everyone was very friendly. I start my new job on Monday and I am positive I will really like working there. Some places you can just tell right away. :) I feel bad for my poor hubby because I was getting pretty discouraged about the work I could find here, and I know I wasn't my happy self. I don't know why my job seems so important to me, but it does, and now that I finally found a really good one I feel like everything is going to be better. Can anyone else relate to that? I know that a lot of people really would rather not work at all, but even though I know that no job will be perfect, I really love to work. (When it isn't squishing boobs all day-hee hee!) Well, I guess that is enough about me! Jeremy's work is going well, and he has requested time off for the first 2 weeks in June to come to Michigan again (yipee!) (My new boss is perfectly fine with this too, thank goodness!) We have been trying to get out and do fun stuff on the weekends or whatever days we are all home together. We have gone walking and playing in the mall, and playing in the little kiddie pool we have and riding bikes and running around outside. We recently bought a family pass to the Tampa zoo that is good for a year. We have already gone twice and have had a great time both days. Next time we go it should be hot enough for the kids to wear their bathing suits and play in the fountains they have all around the zoo. They have had fun lately, and we have really enjoyed our family time! I was going to put a video on here, but I don't know how, so Trista when you read this, can you educate me please? We miss you all and think about you often! Enjoy the pictures!
Well, I guess that is all for now! I will try to be better about posting again...sorry it has been so long! Love you all lots!
I'm very glad you found a job you like! I like to go to work to, it's part of who I am :-)
We have a zoo pass up here, it was one of the best things I did, Enjoy it! The kids are so cute, and they're getting SO BIG!! We miss seeing you, but we're very glad eveything's working out for you there.
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