I booked a flight! YIPEE!
Hey, I'm coming home...and bringing the kids with me! I am so excited to see everyone again! I will be there for almost all of November. I wish that Jeremy could come too, but he is working a ton of overtime then. That is a lot of the reason I am coming home for so long. I am certainly looking forward to hugs! :) Lana went swimming today at the pool and had her swimmies on her arms, and she wanted to do it all by herself! I was so proud, she did really well! David was sleeping the whole time we were at the pool, so Jeremy got to watch football! :) We are starting to get to know more people from church, and really feel like it is a good place for us. Hopefully we will hear back from church soon because we signed up to be in a Bible study, so that will be good! I have made some friends here at the apartment place too...mostly at the pool. We really love it where we are living now, the apartment is really nice and it is so pretty! Here are some pics from this week...David is getting huge!

David has been reaching for toys more, and he loves this exersaucer!
I'm so excited that you guys are coming to MI for a visit!! Make sure you get in touch with us when you're here so we can get together! -Elizabeth
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